Rent the Runway did not provide the ability to cancel membership within the experience unlike ~73% of online subscriptions. We wanted to better understand cancel reasons we could later address elsewhere in the experience & prevent cancellation with alternative options.




Brainstorming • UX • UI • Presentation • DEV Handoff • VQA

PM • PMCS • Copywriter • 2 FE Devs • 2 iOS Devs

Reduce churn by 2% or greater • Gather more pointed data on reasons for SS Cancel

The Challenge


Approximately 43% of members churn/cancel their membership within the first three months (about 10-15k per month!). At the time, users had to call or email CX in order to cancel their plan, costing RTR ~$7 per call.

We needed to find a way to reduce churn within the first three months by showing value and other alternatives other than users just cancelling their membership.


Users want to be able to cancel their membership without having to call or email.

As a user, I also want to know if there are other options for me based on my current situation or renting needs based around my own calendar.

Version 1


We had a decent idea of why users were cancelling based on CX contacts and reviewing CX calls that included cancellation. Top reasons for cancellation for members within the first 90 days were availability, price, and no events to attend.

To set our baseline we simply introduced a cancel option without friction to ~20% of users that shows a the bottom of the page in a users account section. We ran this experiment for approximately 2-weeks to gather insights and data. After that 2-week period we saw that 31% of users continued with cancel. Those who had to contact CX were 44% more likely to request a pause to their plan.

Designs created for Mobile Web, Desktop, and iOS App.


Membership account settings page on mobile web


Scrolling down account settings, users see additional details and ability to pause or cancel


HTapping/clicking pause or cancel opens an accordion with those options. (Note: At this time users were only able to pause for 1 month)


Cancel confirmation screen with end date and brief copy if users decide to keep membership active.


After cancelling, users will see the ability to keep their membership active prior to the official end date.

Version 2


After launching V1 to 20% of users we reverted back to the default state–not being able to self service cancel in product–while we worked on our second iteration. Using the data we had from V1, we wanted to make the following changes:

  1. Show value: Members save a lot of money over periods of time when renting for everyday, lets show them the impact renting has.
  2. Further understand why they're cancelling with primary and secondary reasons, pointed messaging, and alternatives.
  3. Ability to extend pause: At the time, RTR was extremely seasonal with ups and downs in the rental market. Typically these periods of "down time" are greater than just one month.

Similar starting page with Cancel below pause options.


After tapping cancel within account settings, users see a value screen that pulls data referencing their UserID. Using Value and items rented as a selling point.


If continuing with cancellation, users see primary and secondary reasons for cancel.


List of primary reasons to choose from.


Primary reason selected with Secondary reason become active.


Secondary reason as it directly correlates to the primary reason. These were pulled from a long list of reasons for cancel from CX reps.


Secondary reason selected, Continue CTA becomes active.


Upon continuing, users see a pointed message based on the primary reason selected. Additionally, they have an option again to change their plan or pause.


User decides to continue with cancellation and sees a confirmation screen with end date and instructions to return items at home.


Back in account settings, user sees a reminder of their cancellation request with the ability to keep active.


Results from all users being
exposed to V2 of Cancel flow.


Decrease in cancel request


Decrease in CX contacts


of users opt not to cancel when entering the V2 cancel flow

More Screens & Components


Additional screens for users who want to change their plan, pause,
and dynamic component messaging.

Selected Works